Dec 5, 2011

Test Page

Test page

Nov 30, 2011

TV Advertisements

'No One Thinks Big of You' - RTA Campaign

  1. Visit
  2. Read the webpage to ascertain: campaign synopsis, target audience, campaign execution, and campaign evaluation.
  3. Then ... deconstruct the video below for the filmic techniques employed by the composer.  You need to consider the effect of each technique on the responder (viewer).  This is needed to achieve analysis of the text.
  4. Be ready to discuss your findings in a following lesson.

Nov 28, 2011

Print Ad Deconstruction

So far we have looked at an advertiser's use of AIDA and various persuasive strategies.  You will receive a Visual Texts Glossary today and a copy of the advertisement below to complete the following.

1.  Annotation - include visual techniques employed, AIDA elements, persuasive strategies, target audience, and analysis of each thing you annotate.
2.  Paragraph response - How successfully has the composer of the 'Paraderm Plus' print ad achieved their purpose?  Use specific references to the text to support your answer.

Nov 22, 2011

Back to the Blog!

This week we will return to the blog to chronicle our lessons as we commence our final unit for the year on advertising and its persuasive nature.

Initial consideration is around the definition of consumer, advertising, target market, demographic, stereotype.

Then we will examine AIDA - the use of 'attention', 'interest', 'desire' and 'action' as elements that advertisers choose and use to effectively promote their products and services.

To consider demographics you will compose a demographic profile for yourself and then your parents (on your Weebly) that describes you under the following categories - age, gender, income, education, occupation, household size, marital status, home ownership, and any other relevant features of your life and patterns.  See link below for guidance:

Sep 20, 2011

Term 4 Novel Study

Our study of the novel, The Wave, by Morton Rhue will be a complete online study using your Weeblys.  The website to guide this study can be found at

Aug 29, 2011

Monday - Period 2

Now we have completed our abridged reading we will start our study of Macbeth with the following:

  1. An overview of Shakespeare's 5 Act Structure as it pertains to this play;
  2. Quick revision of the forms of conflict (see diagram below)
  3. Character profiles for Macbeth and Lady Macbeth:  on your Weebly create a new page for 'Macbeth' and a sub-page for 'Characters'.  On the 'Character's page compose paragraphs for both of these characters in which you describe their personality, actions, thoughts and reputations.  Accompany your paragraph with an image found on the internet that you best think represents them.  Also locate and include under your paragraph 2 quotes from the text that are important in representing aspects of the character you are describing.

Aug 25, 2011

Week 6

As we finish our reading of the script, you might be interested in looking at some of these apps and websites.  They will assist your study of 'Macbeth' either with the translation of Shakespeare's original text, or to understand the narrative elements and characterisation of the play.  Note that you are NOT required to purchase any apps unless you feel they assist you. 
Macbeth Digital Resources

Weeks 3-6

We will begin our Shakespeare unit by looking at his background, writing style and conventions, his playhouse, 'The Globe Theatre', and his extensive list of plays and their categories.  A quick game of Shakespeare bingo will reveal how prolific a writer he was.

Some short focus videos will give us an overview of his play, 'Macbeth' and we will begin our reading of an abridged script accompanied by video, some extracts of which appear below.

Aug 8, 2011

Monday - Period 5

We will complete our film study today by responding to the question:

How does the film, The City of Ember, rely on the dystopian genre and the hero's journey in telling its tale.  Support your answer with specific text references.

Picture This Homework due Monday Week 5 - 'Water Fever' by Jenny Mounfield (p221)

Wednesday - Period 1

Shakespeare Incursion - today you will view performers who put Macbeth and Lady Macbeth on trial to decided who is the most guilty of killing King Duncan.  This is in anticipation of our drama unit which will start on Wednesday, 10/08/11.  For a very brief and amusing introduction to Macbeth take a look at this 'Macbeth in 96 seconds' video.

Aug 1, 2011

Monday - Period 2 & Tuesday - Period 4

Short story final copy to be submitted in this lesson.
Continuing our examination of extracts that represent the characteristics of dystopian literature, we will look at the 'hero' element of 'The City of Ember'.  As well as examining scenes containing Lina and Doon, we will also consider the 'hero's quest' and how it is evident in this text.

Jul 31, 2011

Week 2 Lessons

This week our lessons included:

Monday - in this lesson we looked at the characteristics of dystopian fiction and then made links to where these characteristics exist in the film, 'The City of Ember'.   We also looked at elements of dystopias generally (see mind map below).
Wednesday - today we concentrated on the back story contained in the film by examining the extracts that showed the builders establishing Ember in order to protect mankind from destruction.  You should have made notes from the deconstruction that identified how the filmmaker achieved the back story.

Thursday - today we returned to the writing process for our short stories.  You peer-marked another students work to provide them with feedback on all elements of their draft.  At the conclusion of the peer marking you received your draft, the comments from the peer marker, and comments from Mrs Lans.  Using the feedback on your draft you are not to revise and edit your text to produce your completed version.  This is due for submission in class on Monday, 1st August.

Jul 13, 2011

Wednesday - Period 1

CINDERELLA INC: Given the loss of a number of lessons recently (Long Weekend, Polding Walk, Staff Development Day) we will look at Christopher Anvil's short story, 'Cinderella Inc' through a reading and discussion. This story speculates on how we as a society view surgical attempts to create physical beauty. By the end of this story you should have recognised a number of familiar elements that occur in contemporary society and how Anvil has projected they may develop in the future. We will also look for the conventions of the science fiction genre as used by Anvil.

To finish the term you will compose a paragraph that explains how the word 'corruption' is relevant to your wider reading of Jeanne du Prau's 'The City of Ember'.  We will spend the final two lessons viewing the film adaptation in anticipation of our film study starting Term 3.

Jun 7, 2011

Tuesday - Period 4

With the benefit of our discussion and backchannelling around the ideas explored by Ray Bradbury in his short story, The Pedestrian, we will today look at the narrative elements and language employed in this story.

In particular, you will compose questions using the 'Questioning Circles' model to explore both the text and how this idea relates to the wider world.

Thursday - Period 1 & Monday Period 2

In these lessons you will participate in a small discussion group with Mrs Lans OR take part in a backchannelling discussion around Ray Bradbury's short story, The Pedestrian.

Transcripts of the backchannel sessions appear below:

Genre - Short Stories & Film

Our latest unit will be the study of short stories and film with a focus on genre.  As a revision of genre we will look at a range of movie trailers on Youtube and discuss the expectations we have of the film from the genre clues (conventions) they contain.


  • Using Mindomo, Mindmeister, or Mind42, compose a mind map of the main genres and their features.  Embed this mind map on your Weebly.
  • Select a movie trailer, embed it on your Weebly, and then list the genres it contains and the conventions used in the trailer that confirm those genres.

May 19, 2011

Thursday - Period 2

Today you will record a reading of your 'found poem'.  Remember that you need to consider the tone and pace of your reading so that it reflects the subject matter and content of your poem.

  1. Use Audioboo to record your poem.
  2. Copy the embed code for the recording before leaving Audioboo.
  3. Create a sub-page on your Weebly using the title of your poem as the title of the page.
  4. Slide a 'HTML code' button down to the page and then past into the box to insert your recording on the page.
  5. Underneath the recording, type or copy the text of your poem.
  6. Finally, add an image or two that is representative of ideas in your poem.

May 18, 2011

Weeks 1-3 Term 2

Since our return this terms our class schedule has been as follows:

27/04/11:  'Dulce Et Decorum Est' deconstruction continued
02/05/11:  'Dulce Et Decorum Est' response task
04/05/11:  NAPLAN practise writing task
05/05/11:  'Dulce Ed Decorum Est' response task continued
09/05/11:  NAPLAN revision and review
10/05/11:  NAPLAN Testing
11/05/11:  NAPLAN Testing
16/05/11:  Poetry Composition - Found Poem
18/05/11:  'War is Kind' - annotation, deconstruction and paragraph response

Apr 6, 2011

Wednesday - Period 4 & Thursday Period 1/Week 1 & 2 of Term 2

Today we will look at a famous poem by a famous war poet, Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen.  We will look at a few videos to provide us with Owen's personal and historical backgrounds.  The poem itself is effectively dramatised in the video below.

Post reading activities:
  • Discussion of the poem's ideas and effectiveness
  • Annotation and deconstruction of the poetic devices employed (refer to glossary and mind map for support)
  • Completion of a deconstruction sheet
  • Completion of a range of tasks to be completed both in your books and on your Weebly.

Monday - Period 5

'What Matters?' drafts due today.

To commence our study of war poetry you will construct a 'mini poetry book' and read silently to yourself.  Reflect on the ideas and messages of each poem and then decide which poem resonates with you.  Be prepared to discuss and justify your decision.  Annotation of one poem if time.

Mar 24, 2011

Thursday - Period 2

Today we will begin our poetry unit that will focus on 'Images of War'. We will revise poetic techniques and elements through a glossary and mind map that is to be glued in your book.

Following some focus activities and discussion you are asked to post a response to the Wallwisher wall below.  In our next lesson you will embed this completed wall on a new Weebly page.

Mar 15, 2011

Week 8 Lessons

As an extension of our study of documentaries, you will this week create your own documentary that presents the College in a favourable or negative light.  You should have completed the planning sheet on Monday that outlines your approach, will spend 1-2 lessons shooting video footage and taking still photographs, and the last lesson compiling your work in MovieMaker.

Completed documentaries need to be submitted on the school network.  You will compose a reflection statement on your Weebly that considers the learning experiences that this task has given you.

Your books need to be handed up in Wednesday's lesson for checking.

Mar 14, 2011

Monday - Period 2

Depending on your progress with last week's task, you will complete any or all of the following tasks today:

  1. Completion of your written analysis of 'Men of Ore' on your Weebly.  This must be finished and published today.
  2. Self-Assessment of your achievement of this task (see Mrs Lans for a sticker for your book).
  3. Ensure the 'Contents Page' and all work that should be in your book is up to date.
  4. Documentary Planning Sheet to be completed for your one minute documentary presenting the College from a positive or negative perspective.

Mar 2, 2011

Wednesday - Week 5 to Thursday - Week 6

Today you will commence your own deconstruction of a 1 minute sequence of the documentary 'Men of Ore'.  You are free to choose any one minute sequence that occurs after the 15 minute mark (already deconstructed in class).  View this sequence as many times as you need and make notes on the following:
  1. the time mark of your chosen extract (eg. 16:34 - 17:39)
  2. the content addressed during this extract
  3. the film techniques employed -consider camera shots and angles, sound effects (diegetic and non-diegetic), lighting, soundtrack, archival footage/images, captions, editing (speed, aural bridge, transitions)
  4. the effects achieved by the filmmaker in using these techniques, ie. what is the effect on the documentary audience (responder)
Refer to your 'Documentary Film Response Scaffold' to guide your deconstruction.  You can also discuss your thoughts with other students to clarify your ideas.  When you are ready, use the scaffold to guide your response that you will post on your Weebly.  Create a sub-page under the 'Non-fiction' tab called 'Men of Ore' and type your work there.

Mar 1, 2011

Tuesday - Period 4

Today we will continue with our deconstruction of the Australian Story documentary 'Men of Ore'.  You will see the first 15 minutes deconstructed for the techniques employed and the effect that each achieves for the documentary filmmaker.

Take a look at the 'Documentary Film Response Scaffold' in your books and familiarise yourself with the areas you need to address for your own deconstruction.

Feb 24, 2011

Thursday - Period 1

Here is the brainstorm completed in class following our viewing of 'Men of Ore'.  Any of these could become the  topic of your editorial for your assessment task.  Today you will receive some exemplars of editorials to guide you in terms of structure, language features and persuasive techniques.

In our lesson today we will begin to deconstruct the documentary in terms of filmic techniques and the effect they achieve on the responder.  Take note of the how a film sequence is deconstructed - you will be doing a sequence deconstruction on your own in the next few weeks.

Feb 23, 2011

Wednesday - Period 4

Today we will begin our viewing of an Australian Story documentary - 'Men of Ore'.  This is the story of the rescue team responsible for the retrieval of the trapped miners at the Beaconsfield Gold Mine in 2006.  Following our initial viewing we will consider the issues that arise in this documentary and brainstorm possible topics for the editoral assessment task.

If you wish to view the documentary at home, visit the Australian Story page on the ABC website.

Feb 16, 2011

Wednesday - Period 1 & Monday - Period 5

Today we will look at the DIY Doco website that is designed to assist your understanding of how to:

  • identify the filmic techniques employed and their effect
  • under the style and genres of documentary film texts
  • respond to and analyse documentary texts.
In your exercise books you are to record key ideas under the headings:
  1. Style & Genre
  2. Elements of Documentary Storytelling
(Remember - when recording key ideas you need to record and summarise them concisely using words and phrases that will make sense to you later on.)

Assessment Task # 1 issued - Editorial composition (exposition).

Feb 14, 2011

Monday - Period 2 & Tuesday - Period 4

Today we will revise non-fiction by considering the following questions:

  • What is non-fiction?
  • What forms does non-fiction take?
  • What is the purpose of non-fiction?
  • Whose point of view is presented?
  • What is the difference between fact and opinion?
  • How do the following shape how we see things: one's attitude/perspective/outlook, knowledge, societal context, cultural background?
Using the information from your group discussion summarise your responses to these questions on your non-fiction Weebly page. 

Homework:  Create 2 QR codes using the QR code generator to the right.  One is for the URL of your Weebly, the other is the URL of your non-fiction Weebly page.  Glue in your English book.

Feb 10, 2011

Thursday - Period 1

Today we will set up individual Weebly accounts for your online work.

Subject Specific Terminology & Report Criteria issued and examined.

Feb 9, 2011

Wednesday - Period 4

This year you will use both an exercise book and a personal website to complete your work.  Your exercise book will contain handouts and things you need to refer back to at a later date.  Other work (written, visual, etc) will be composed and maintained on your own website.  This site will be an electronic portfolio of your best work.

So today's activities will include:

  1. Expositional journalling (in preparation for NAPLAN later this year)
  2. Establishing your exercise book
  3. Establishing your website using Weebly. (Insufficient time - transferred to Thursday's lesson).
We will begin looking at Non fiction: Documentaries in our next lesson.

Monday - Period 5 (7/2/11)

In our first lesson we will attend to a few preliminary activities:

  1. Spelling Assessment
  2. Reading Comprehensions Assessment
  3. Technology Survey
Please have your exercise book with you for our next lesson.

Dec 10, 2010

Friday - Period 2

Game Shows - 'Deal or No Deal'
Today we will look at the production of a game show.  In particular we are interested in examining the purpose, the filmic and production techniques employed, audience responses and emotion appeal to the viewer.
  1. Initial viewing
  2. Post viewing questions:  complete the online comprehension questions below.

Dec 3, 2010

Friday - Period 1 & Wednesday - Period 3

1.  Use the 'comments' link below and post a comment in which you define what reality TV is.
2.  Respond the the survey below.
3.  Viewing and initial deconstruction of an episode of 'Highway Patrol'.

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4.  Highway Patrol is both a documentary and reality television.  Compose a paragraph that explains how this statement is true.  (Remember to begin with a topic sentence and then use body sentences to contain evidence to support your topic sentence.)  Type your response using the 'comment' link below.

Dec 1, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

Reality Television

Following completion of our novel unit, we will spend the remaining weeks of school looking critically at reality television.  Today's activity was to place various reality TV programs on a continuum to identify the 'level' of reality the show represents.  We also classified the different sub-genres of reality TV programs.  See images below.
Reality TV Continuum

Reality TV Classifications

Nov 28, 2010

Term 4

For the remainder of the term we will be working paperless by using a class and student weebly sites to effect our study of Lonesome Howl. Please visit the class weebly to access the learning activities.

Oct 18, 2010

Monday - Period 4 & Tuesday - Period 5

We will continue our reading of Steven Herrick's verse novel, 'Lonesome Howl'

Oct 15, 2010

Friday - Period 2

Today we will commence our reading of Steven Herrick's verse novel, 'Lonesome Howl'.  To read a brief summary of the book, visit this website.

On this website you can also listen to this podcast interview with Steven Herrick about poetry and his verse novel/s.

Sep 1, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

Today we need to finish writing quotes on Wallwisher (see last post).  Once they are complete we will classify them according to the issue that is creating the conflict between Julie, Michelle, Franky and their parents.

Aug 27, 2010

Dramatic reading of 'Fossils' extract by Tyson & Naomi (thanks to both of you!)

For the remainder of this lesson you will locate examples from the play that demonstrate the conflict that each character experiences.  These will be recorded on the wallwisher sites below:

Aug 26, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3


  • PEE
  • Class reading of 'Fossils' 
  • Completion of character conflict list

Aug 23, 2010

Monday - Period 4


  • PEE
  • Conflict mapping (continued)
  • Class reading of Fossils - discussion of production and directoral features throughout.

Aug 22, 2010

Friday - Period 2

Assessment task issued - in class essay response in Week 9.  Question explained and deconstructed.
  • PEE
  • Conflict of plot examined as revealed in text so far
  • Class reading of Fossils - discussion of production and directoral features throughout

Aug 18, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

  • PEE
  • Stage directions task
  • Class reading of fossils - discussion of production and directoral features throughout

Aug 10, 2010

Tuesday - Period 5


  • Completion of poetry assessment task
  • Class reading of 'Fossils' - identification of 'parent' cliches used in script.

Aug 9, 2010

Monday - Period 4

Introduction to Drama Unit:

Today we will revise the drama knowledge you have learned in Years 7 and 8.  The element of 'conflict' as it occurs in all narratives will be introduced/revisited.

Class borrowing of play:  'Fossils'

Aug 6, 2010

Friday - Period 2

Period 2:  In anticipation for this afternoon's incursion, 'Shakespeare on Trial', we will also look at the synopsis of two of Shakespeare's famous plays - 'Macbeth' and 'Romeo & Juliet'.

Period 5:  'Shakespeare on Trial' incursion

Aug 4, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

Using Maud McConville's poem, 'The Football' you will today complete a complete deconstruction and analysis of this poem unassisted.  You will complete the following tasks:

  • Annotation of the poem (with the poetic techniques it contains)
  • A summary table 
  • PEE sentences
  • Rewriting your sentences into a paragraph.
These tasks will be assessed to determine your learning in this unit and your use of subject specific terms.

Jul 22, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3 & Friday - Period 9


  • 'Foul Shot'  by Edwin A. Hoey - annotation and deconstruction
  • Composition - using one of the scenarios below, you will write your own poem in a similar style to Hoey's poem.  In preparation, locate an image of the sporting moment you have chosen, then come up with a list of words that describe the equipment, the actions involved, the anticipation and outcome.  Using these words, draft your poem.

  1. a high jumper making his last attempt at a new record
  2. a golfer making a crucial putt
  3. a decisive penalty kick in soccer or rugby game
  4. a diver attempting to win a gold medal
  5. a snooker/pool player making a winning shot
  6. something of your own choosing

Jun 30, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3 & Friday - Period 2

'The Boxer' by Emma Payne - scramble and comprehension activities completed.

Imagery writing activity as a warm up activity for a sports poem composition.

100 Metre Athlete - vocabulary brainstorm using images.  Poetic techniques applied to selected words and combinations.  Poetry composition using these ideas.

Jun 21, 2010

Monday - Period 4

Friday's lesson lost to the Walkathon.

Today's activities:

  • poetry compositions to be finished and submitted (15 minutes only)
  • 'How to Kill A Whale' reading, annotation and comprehension questions.

Jun 15, 2010

Tuesday - Period 3

Using the information you gather in your research on an animal welfare issue, you will compose your own poem using Peggy Wilson's 'Puppy Mill' as a model.

Jun 9, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

Research activity - visit and choose ONE animal welfare issue to research.  Make notes about this particular issue as background research for a poem you will write in class using 'Puppy Mills' as a model.

Jun 8, 2010

Tuesday - Period 5


  1. Post a response to yesterday's blog question.
  2. Deconstruction sheet - 'Puppy Mill' by Peggy Wilson
  3. Use three of the prompts below to complete sentences about the techniques used by Wilson in her poem:
o    [Technique] creates a sense of ...
o    The composer’s use of [technique] draws attention to ...
o    Our attention is drawn to ... because of the composer’s use of [technique].
o    The composer has used [technique] to ...
o    Using [technique] helps the composer to ...
o    We are made to … when the composer uses [technique] because …

Jun 7, 2010

Monday - Period 4


Poetry revision - glossary and discussion.

Power of poetry considered through study of 'Puppy Mills' by Peggy Wilson.  Post your reaction to this poem using the 'Comments' link below.  What is the impact of this poem on you?

Jun 4, 2010

Friday - Period 2

Final lesson for non-fiction unit on documentaries.  To finalise this unit you will complete a summary activity to demonstrate your understanding of documentary film texts.

Jun 2, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

Documentary Filmmaking - today is our last lesson to complete this task.  At the end of the lesson your group is required to put their documentary representation (finished or not) into the 'Submit' folder on the school network.

May 26, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3 & Friday - Period 1

Documentary Filmmaking Activity:  Using the photos/film taken earlier in the term, you are to compose a 'documentary' of BPC that presents it from either a positive or negative perspective.  You need to be in a group of two or three.

May 24, 2010

Monday - Period 4 & Tuesday - Period 5

Documentaries:  comparative viewings of two episodes of 'Australian Story' - 'Men of Ore' and 'The Fault Zone'.  Worksheet recording elements of both.

May 19, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

Documentaries:  comparative viewings of two episodes of 'Australian Story' - 'Men of Ore' and 'The Fault Zone'.

These documentaries address the Beaconsfield mining disaster.  One is a the story of the rescue team and the other is about the miner lost in the disaster.  We are looking to compare the perspectives shown.

May 14, 2010

Friday - Period 1

Photography & filming activity in preparation for documentary task.

BPC to be filmed/photographed to represent a postive and negative representation.

May 11, 2010

Tuesday - Period 5


1.  NAPLAN feedback
2.  Australian Story:  'On a Wing and a Prayer' - deconstruction (continued)

May 10, 2010

Monday - Period 4


Documentaries:  Australian Story - 'On a Wing and a Prayer'.  Post viewing worksheets and deconstruction of documentary filmmaking techniques (if time).

Remember:  NAPLAN testing will occur in Week 4 (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday - Periods 1 & 2).  Look over the practise tasks completed during Term 1 to revise the style and type of questions you will attempt

May 7, 2010

Friday - Period 2


Return of NAPLAN practise writing task.  Feedback and revision of writing elements.

Remember:  NAPLAN testing will occur in Week 4 (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday - Periods 1 & 2).  Look over the practise tasks completed during Term 1 to revise the style and type of questions you will attempt.

May 5, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

Lesson lost due to Year 9 camp.

May 2, 2010

Friday - Period 1 (30/4/10)


1.  Viewing of Australian Story: On a Wing & a Prayer (Hazim el Masri)
2.  Deconstruction sheet - genre, identification of film techniques, description of subject matter.

This documentary can also be viewed here on the ABC website.

Apr 28, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3


1.  Viewing of Screen Australia's documentary tutorial continued.
2.  Viewing of Australian Story: Hazim El Mazri (if time)

Apr 27, 2010

Tuesday - Period 5

Monday's lesson lost due to public holiday.


1.  Sentence writing:  Fact vs Opinion
2.  Background information about documentary filmmaking from Screen Australia website.

Apr 23, 2010

Friday - Period 2


Introduction/revision of non-fiction texts.

Apr 21, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3


1. NAPLAN Writing - practise task in anticipation of testing in Week 4.
2. Task requirements and approaches to NAPLAN discussed.
3. Short Story Assessment Task returned.

Mar 30, 2010

Tuesday - Period 5


Tropfest Summary Task & self reflection.

Mar 29, 2010

Monday - Period 4


1.  'Be My Brother' short film - character, setting, plot and theme.
2.  Film techniques study (if time)

Mar 26, 2010

Friday - Period 2


1.  Wider Reading Task - letter to a friend describing the book read this term.
2.  Viewing - 'Be My Brother'

Mar 24, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

  1. Journal writing
  2. Short film 'Between the Flags' - Plot and themes.
Homework:  Your wider reading for Term 1 should now be complete.  Be prepared on Friday 26/3/10 to complete an activity in class that demonstrates this reading.

Mar 19, 2010

Friday - Period 1

Lesson lost due to Year 9 Survey.

Assessment Task due.

Mar 17, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

Viewing of short film, 'Between the Flags'.

Examination of how setting and character are important elements in this narrative.

Homework:  Assessment Task (short story writing) due on Friday, 19/3/10.  To be handed in during lesson together with your planning journal.

Mar 16, 2010

Tuesday - Period 5


Using the work from last lesson, you will compose a sentence for each of the deconstruction stickers you used when studying the short film, 'Last Stop'.  These sentences will then be used to write a paragraph about the use of film techniques by the filmaker.  Sentence prompts will be provided.

Homework: Creative writing of short story for Assessment Task due Week 8

Mar 12, 2010

Friday - Period 2

  • Deconstruction of short film, 'Last Stop' - identification of film techniques in selected scenes.

Mar 10, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3


1.  Journalling
2.  Film deconstruction - Tropfest short film 'Last Stop'