Aug 29, 2011

Monday - Period 2

Now we have completed our abridged reading we will start our study of Macbeth with the following:

  1. An overview of Shakespeare's 5 Act Structure as it pertains to this play;
  2. Quick revision of the forms of conflict (see diagram below)
  3. Character profiles for Macbeth and Lady Macbeth:  on your Weebly create a new page for 'Macbeth' and a sub-page for 'Characters'.  On the 'Character's page compose paragraphs for both of these characters in which you describe their personality, actions, thoughts and reputations.  Accompany your paragraph with an image found on the internet that you best think represents them.  Also locate and include under your paragraph 2 quotes from the text that are important in representing aspects of the character you are describing.

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