Mar 2, 2011

Wednesday - Week 5 to Thursday - Week 6

Today you will commence your own deconstruction of a 1 minute sequence of the documentary 'Men of Ore'.  You are free to choose any one minute sequence that occurs after the 15 minute mark (already deconstructed in class).  View this sequence as many times as you need and make notes on the following:
  1. the time mark of your chosen extract (eg. 16:34 - 17:39)
  2. the content addressed during this extract
  3. the film techniques employed -consider camera shots and angles, sound effects (diegetic and non-diegetic), lighting, soundtrack, archival footage/images, captions, editing (speed, aural bridge, transitions)
  4. the effects achieved by the filmmaker in using these techniques, ie. what is the effect on the documentary audience (responder)
Refer to your 'Documentary Film Response Scaffold' to guide your deconstruction.  You can also discuss your thoughts with other students to clarify your ideas.  When you are ready, use the scaffold to guide your response that you will post on your Weebly.  Create a sub-page under the 'Non-fiction' tab called 'Men of Ore' and type your work there.

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