Dec 10, 2010

Friday - Period 2

Game Shows - 'Deal or No Deal'
Today we will look at the production of a game show.  In particular we are interested in examining the purpose, the filmic and production techniques employed, audience responses and emotion appeal to the viewer.
  1. Initial viewing
  2. Post viewing questions:  complete the online comprehension questions below.

Dec 3, 2010

Friday - Period 1 & Wednesday - Period 3

1.  Use the 'comments' link below and post a comment in which you define what reality TV is.
2.  Respond the the survey below.
3.  Viewing and initial deconstruction of an episode of 'Highway Patrol'.

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4.  Highway Patrol is both a documentary and reality television.  Compose a paragraph that explains how this statement is true.  (Remember to begin with a topic sentence and then use body sentences to contain evidence to support your topic sentence.)  Type your response using the 'comment' link below.

Dec 1, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

Reality Television

Following completion of our novel unit, we will spend the remaining weeks of school looking critically at reality television.  Today's activity was to place various reality TV programs on a continuum to identify the 'level' of reality the show represents.  We also classified the different sub-genres of reality TV programs.  See images below.
Reality TV Continuum

Reality TV Classifications

Nov 28, 2010

Term 4

For the remainder of the term we will be working paperless by using a class and student weebly sites to effect our study of Lonesome Howl. Please visit the class weebly to access the learning activities.

Oct 18, 2010

Monday - Period 4 & Tuesday - Period 5

We will continue our reading of Steven Herrick's verse novel, 'Lonesome Howl'

Oct 15, 2010

Friday - Period 2

Today we will commence our reading of Steven Herrick's verse novel, 'Lonesome Howl'.  To read a brief summary of the book, visit this website.

On this website you can also listen to this podcast interview with Steven Herrick about poetry and his verse novel/s.

Sep 1, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

Today we need to finish writing quotes on Wallwisher (see last post).  Once they are complete we will classify them according to the issue that is creating the conflict between Julie, Michelle, Franky and their parents.

Aug 27, 2010

Dramatic reading of 'Fossils' extract by Tyson & Naomi (thanks to both of you!)

For the remainder of this lesson you will locate examples from the play that demonstrate the conflict that each character experiences.  These will be recorded on the wallwisher sites below:

Aug 26, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3


  • PEE
  • Class reading of 'Fossils' 
  • Completion of character conflict list

Aug 23, 2010

Monday - Period 4


  • PEE
  • Conflict mapping (continued)
  • Class reading of Fossils - discussion of production and directoral features throughout.

Aug 22, 2010

Friday - Period 2

Assessment task issued - in class essay response in Week 9.  Question explained and deconstructed.
  • PEE
  • Conflict of plot examined as revealed in text so far
  • Class reading of Fossils - discussion of production and directoral features throughout

Aug 18, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

  • PEE
  • Stage directions task
  • Class reading of fossils - discussion of production and directoral features throughout

Aug 10, 2010

Tuesday - Period 5


  • Completion of poetry assessment task
  • Class reading of 'Fossils' - identification of 'parent' cliches used in script.

Aug 9, 2010

Monday - Period 4

Introduction to Drama Unit:

Today we will revise the drama knowledge you have learned in Years 7 and 8.  The element of 'conflict' as it occurs in all narratives will be introduced/revisited.

Class borrowing of play:  'Fossils'

Aug 6, 2010

Friday - Period 2

Period 2:  In anticipation for this afternoon's incursion, 'Shakespeare on Trial', we will also look at the synopsis of two of Shakespeare's famous plays - 'Macbeth' and 'Romeo & Juliet'.

Period 5:  'Shakespeare on Trial' incursion

Aug 4, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

Using Maud McConville's poem, 'The Football' you will today complete a complete deconstruction and analysis of this poem unassisted.  You will complete the following tasks:

  • Annotation of the poem (with the poetic techniques it contains)
  • A summary table 
  • PEE sentences
  • Rewriting your sentences into a paragraph.
These tasks will be assessed to determine your learning in this unit and your use of subject specific terms.

Jul 22, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3 & Friday - Period 9


  • 'Foul Shot'  by Edwin A. Hoey - annotation and deconstruction
  • Composition - using one of the scenarios below, you will write your own poem in a similar style to Hoey's poem.  In preparation, locate an image of the sporting moment you have chosen, then come up with a list of words that describe the equipment, the actions involved, the anticipation and outcome.  Using these words, draft your poem.

  1. a high jumper making his last attempt at a new record
  2. a golfer making a crucial putt
  3. a decisive penalty kick in soccer or rugby game
  4. a diver attempting to win a gold medal
  5. a snooker/pool player making a winning shot
  6. something of your own choosing

Jun 30, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3 & Friday - Period 2

'The Boxer' by Emma Payne - scramble and comprehension activities completed.

Imagery writing activity as a warm up activity for a sports poem composition.

100 Metre Athlete - vocabulary brainstorm using images.  Poetic techniques applied to selected words and combinations.  Poetry composition using these ideas.

Jun 21, 2010

Monday - Period 4

Friday's lesson lost to the Walkathon.

Today's activities:

  • poetry compositions to be finished and submitted (15 minutes only)
  • 'How to Kill A Whale' reading, annotation and comprehension questions.

Jun 15, 2010

Tuesday - Period 3

Using the information you gather in your research on an animal welfare issue, you will compose your own poem using Peggy Wilson's 'Puppy Mill' as a model.

Jun 9, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

Research activity - visit and choose ONE animal welfare issue to research.  Make notes about this particular issue as background research for a poem you will write in class using 'Puppy Mills' as a model.

Jun 8, 2010

Tuesday - Period 5


  1. Post a response to yesterday's blog question.
  2. Deconstruction sheet - 'Puppy Mill' by Peggy Wilson
  3. Use three of the prompts below to complete sentences about the techniques used by Wilson in her poem:
o    [Technique] creates a sense of ...
o    The composer’s use of [technique] draws attention to ...
o    Our attention is drawn to ... because of the composer’s use of [technique].
o    The composer has used [technique] to ...
o    Using [technique] helps the composer to ...
o    We are made to … when the composer uses [technique] because …

Jun 7, 2010

Monday - Period 4


Poetry revision - glossary and discussion.

Power of poetry considered through study of 'Puppy Mills' by Peggy Wilson.  Post your reaction to this poem using the 'Comments' link below.  What is the impact of this poem on you?

Jun 4, 2010

Friday - Period 2

Final lesson for non-fiction unit on documentaries.  To finalise this unit you will complete a summary activity to demonstrate your understanding of documentary film texts.

Jun 2, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

Documentary Filmmaking - today is our last lesson to complete this task.  At the end of the lesson your group is required to put their documentary representation (finished or not) into the 'Submit' folder on the school network.

May 26, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3 & Friday - Period 1

Documentary Filmmaking Activity:  Using the photos/film taken earlier in the term, you are to compose a 'documentary' of BPC that presents it from either a positive or negative perspective.  You need to be in a group of two or three.

May 24, 2010

Monday - Period 4 & Tuesday - Period 5

Documentaries:  comparative viewings of two episodes of 'Australian Story' - 'Men of Ore' and 'The Fault Zone'.  Worksheet recording elements of both.

May 19, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

Documentaries:  comparative viewings of two episodes of 'Australian Story' - 'Men of Ore' and 'The Fault Zone'.

These documentaries address the Beaconsfield mining disaster.  One is a the story of the rescue team and the other is about the miner lost in the disaster.  We are looking to compare the perspectives shown.

May 14, 2010

Friday - Period 1

Photography & filming activity in preparation for documentary task.

BPC to be filmed/photographed to represent a postive and negative representation.

May 11, 2010

Tuesday - Period 5


1.  NAPLAN feedback
2.  Australian Story:  'On a Wing and a Prayer' - deconstruction (continued)

May 10, 2010

Monday - Period 4


Documentaries:  Australian Story - 'On a Wing and a Prayer'.  Post viewing worksheets and deconstruction of documentary filmmaking techniques (if time).

Remember:  NAPLAN testing will occur in Week 4 (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday - Periods 1 & 2).  Look over the practise tasks completed during Term 1 to revise the style and type of questions you will attempt

May 7, 2010

Friday - Period 2


Return of NAPLAN practise writing task.  Feedback and revision of writing elements.

Remember:  NAPLAN testing will occur in Week 4 (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday - Periods 1 & 2).  Look over the practise tasks completed during Term 1 to revise the style and type of questions you will attempt.

May 5, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

Lesson lost due to Year 9 camp.

May 2, 2010

Friday - Period 1 (30/4/10)


1.  Viewing of Australian Story: On a Wing & a Prayer (Hazim el Masri)
2.  Deconstruction sheet - genre, identification of film techniques, description of subject matter.

This documentary can also be viewed here on the ABC website.

Apr 28, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3


1.  Viewing of Screen Australia's documentary tutorial continued.
2.  Viewing of Australian Story: Hazim El Mazri (if time)

Apr 27, 2010

Tuesday - Period 5

Monday's lesson lost due to public holiday.


1.  Sentence writing:  Fact vs Opinion
2.  Background information about documentary filmmaking from Screen Australia website.

Apr 23, 2010

Friday - Period 2


Introduction/revision of non-fiction texts.

Apr 21, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3


1. NAPLAN Writing - practise task in anticipation of testing in Week 4.
2. Task requirements and approaches to NAPLAN discussed.
3. Short Story Assessment Task returned.

Mar 30, 2010

Tuesday - Period 5


Tropfest Summary Task & self reflection.

Mar 29, 2010

Monday - Period 4


1.  'Be My Brother' short film - character, setting, plot and theme.
2.  Film techniques study (if time)

Mar 26, 2010

Friday - Period 2


1.  Wider Reading Task - letter to a friend describing the book read this term.
2.  Viewing - 'Be My Brother'

Mar 24, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

  1. Journal writing
  2. Short film 'Between the Flags' - Plot and themes.
Homework:  Your wider reading for Term 1 should now be complete.  Be prepared on Friday 26/3/10 to complete an activity in class that demonstrates this reading.

Mar 19, 2010

Friday - Period 1

Lesson lost due to Year 9 Survey.

Assessment Task due.

Mar 17, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

Viewing of short film, 'Between the Flags'.

Examination of how setting and character are important elements in this narrative.

Homework:  Assessment Task (short story writing) due on Friday, 19/3/10.  To be handed in during lesson together with your planning journal.

Mar 16, 2010

Tuesday - Period 5


Using the work from last lesson, you will compose a sentence for each of the deconstruction stickers you used when studying the short film, 'Last Stop'.  These sentences will then be used to write a paragraph about the use of film techniques by the filmaker.  Sentence prompts will be provided.

Homework: Creative writing of short story for Assessment Task due Week 8

Mar 12, 2010

Friday - Period 2

  • Deconstruction of short film, 'Last Stop' - identification of film techniques in selected scenes.

Mar 10, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3


1.  Journalling
2.  Film deconstruction - Tropfest short film 'Last Stop'

Mar 5, 2010

Friday - Period 1

This lesson will be dedicated to the short story you are composing for your first assessment task.  Make sure you have a copy of your draft (electronic or hard copy) so you can continue to develop this story.  You will also need your planning journal.  This is the last class opportunity to work on this.

Mar 3, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3


1.  Paired Reading
2.  Short Film - 'Last Stop'.  Examination of character, setting, plot and theme.  Deconstruction of film techniques and how they assist narrative.

Mar 2, 2010

Tuesday - Period 5


1.  Subject Specific Terminology  
2.  Introduction to film study - revision of filmic techniques

Homework:  Don't forget your NAPLAN Reading practise questions are due tomorrow, 3/3/10.  Our lesson on Friday will give you the change to work on your assessment task draft, so make sure you have a copy of it (electronically or hard copy) and your journal with you.

Mar 1, 2010

Monday - Period 4


1.  Journalling
2.  'Shatter Proof' short story (continued)

Homework:  NAPLAN Reading sample questions (comprehension.  DUE - Wednesday, 3/3/10

Feb 26, 2010

Friday - Period 2


1.  "Reading is the staircase to new worlds"
Wider Reading Log - using the 'comments' link below, post a comment in response to the following questions:
a)  Is the title important or significant?  In what way?
b)  Describe the protagonist and the antagonist in your story.
c)  Where is the story set? (Time and place)
d)  Explain the complication
e)  Predict how this story will end.

2.  'Shatter Proof' short story (continued)

Homework:  Make sure you are making progress with your wider reading book.  This needs to be read by the end of term so you should be mid way through your book if you are not already finished.

Feb 24, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3


1.  Spelling
2.  'Shatter Proof' - reading and activities

Homework:  NAPLAN practise task - Language (spelling, grammar, punctuation).  Due Friday, 26/2/10, Period 2

Feb 19, 2010

Friday - Period 1

This lesson will be devoted to planning and drafting of your narrative for your Assessment Task.  You will use the Short Story Journal and the class computers to begin this narrative.

Feb 17, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3


1.  Paired reading
2. 'Showing not telling' rewriting of extracts from 'Full Time'.

Feb 16, 2010

Tuesday - Period 5


1.  Journalling
2.  'Showing not telling' writing tasks continued.

Don't forget to start planning for your assessment task narrative.

Feb 15, 2010

Monday - Period 4

  1. Spelling.
  2. Assessment Task issued.
  3. Writing:  'Showing not Telling'
  4. Short story planning (if time)
Homework:  Begin brainstorming ideas for the assessment task narrative.  We will work on your planning and draft in class on Friday, 19/2/10 (Period 1) so you must come ready with ideas.

Feb 10, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3


Last Friday you borrowed a wider reading book for Term 1.  Using the 'comment' hyperlink below, write a post that details the following:

1.  Your name
2.  The book title
3.  A short blurb (summary of what the book is about)
4.  Why you chose it

SHORT STORIES - 'Full Time' by Steve O'Brien

We will continue our work on this short story by working through the questions.  In particular we will focus on character and setting. 

1.  Read 3 chapters of your wider reading book.  For smaller books this should be at least 10 pages.  To be completed by Monday, Period 4 (15/2/10).  You will complete a reading log at the beginning of this lesson to demonstrate what you have read.

2.  Thinking homework:  Start planning a short story that is in the crime genre.  We will compose this in class using computers in Week 4 so you will need have some ideas for a story.

Feb 5, 2010

Friday - Period 1

We will visit the library today for wider reading borrowing.  While there you will do the following:

1.  Choose a selection of books (suitable for your reading level)
2.  Complete a survey sheet about them.
3.  Make a selection that you wish to borrow for wider reading.
4.  Have your selection approved by Mrs Lans BEFORE borrowing.

Mrs Lans and Mrs Brownscombe will also be listening to students read during this lesson.

Feb 1, 2010

Monday - Period 4

Today's lesson will include the following:
  1. Instructions for bookwork
  2. Comprehension quiz
  3. Spelling
  4. Revision of sentences & paragraphs