Feb 10, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3


Last Friday you borrowed a wider reading book for Term 1.  Using the 'comment' hyperlink below, write a post that details the following:

1.  Your name
2.  The book title
3.  A short blurb (summary of what the book is about)
4.  Why you chose it

SHORT STORIES - 'Full Time' by Steve O'Brien

We will continue our work on this short story by working through the questions.  In particular we will focus on character and setting. 

1.  Read 3 chapters of your wider reading book.  For smaller books this should be at least 10 pages.  To be completed by Monday, Period 4 (15/2/10).  You will complete a reading log at the beginning of this lesson to demonstrate what you have read.

2.  Thinking homework:  Start planning a short story that is in the crime genre.  We will compose this in class using computers in Week 4 so you will need have some ideas for a story.


Anonymous said...

three different stories in one book:
gary hates the country side and it hates him to.
kevin loves computer games but the latest one breaks all the rules and its ruthless
howards in heaven so why does it feel like hell.
i chose this story cause i like horror books and it looked interesting.

Joel Boehm

Anonymous said...

Offside is the book i have chosen for the reading activity.This book is an interesting book that is about a couple of kids that play indoor soccer.They run into trouble as the school has kicked out the girls team. this starts conflict about the team and they finally get their way.The girl team is finally brought back and conflict is sorted.I choose this book as it is about my favorite sport " soccer" THE END Sebastion loutkovsky

Anonymous said...

nikk brown.
harry potter an the deathly hallows.
the final of the harry potter saga harry potter finaly kills voldemort and you get to see how the saga ends.
i chose this because i like harry potter.

Anonymous said...

Rosalynne Adams
Drama Queen Diva
This book is about a girl who entered a competition. Her dream is to be a singer.

Anonymous said...

Breanna Kenny
Eclipse (special edition)
While in Seattle mystery killings continue and a envious vampire continues her quest for revenge, Bella finds herself in danger and has to make the tougth decision of her love for Edward or her friendship with Jacob. Knowing whatever her decision is there will be jealousy from either the warewolf or the vampire. With graduation coming up Bella has another important decision to make:Life or Death. But which is which?
I chose this book beacause i have seen the first and second movie to this novel and as the third movie isn't out yet, i decided to read the novel first =]

Anonymous said...

I Know What You Did Last Wednesday is a book about a boy named nick diamond who thinks that every body hates him and wants to kill him. Nick has a big brother named Tim who was invited to a school reunion and Nick smells trouble. This book is about murder and mystery.

jarred holz

Anonymous said...

daniel stepenson
Eclipse (special edition)
as seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continures her quest for revenge, bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger.in the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for edward and her friendship with jacob-knowng that her decision has the potential to ignite the agless struggle between vampire and werewolf.with her graduation approching, bella has one more decision to make: life or death. but which is which?

i choose this book because i wanted to read it and i read the other ones:)

Anonymous said...

The blurred man is about a man named Lenny smile who was run over by a steamroller. Lenny was running a Childrens charity that was financed by millionaire Joe carter. Now the millionaire wants to know what happened to Lenny, so he has hired Tim diamond, who is the worlds worst private detective.


Anonymous said...

Alyce Kearney

Dreaming Of Amelia.
This book is about a boy named Riley who falls in love with a ghost named Amelia, but only he knows she is a ghost. They start at a new school in year 12 by getting scolarships, and are excellent swimmers. One of the girls at the school named Emily has a feeling that Amelia is a ghost.

I chose this book because its about mystery, love and ghosts. It also looked really interesting and the blurb made me want to read more.

Anonymous said...

Joel Whitton

Gazza's gone is a book about a team that has not been playing well the last couple of seasons until a new player come in to the attack and really boosts his team.

Anonymous said...

Caelan Baldwin-Core


It is about a boy called rob who could'nt belive there was a fire right in front of him. Rob's trip to the mountains had turned into a nightmare of survival as he battles a bushfireand the dark motivations of a firebug.

I chose this book because it looked interesting when I saw it.And because I live near a bushland

Anonymous said...

The name of my book is the
Clockwork Forest.
the story is about an old man named Morton, who has little time left to find his four tresures hidden within the trechtous monster-plagued wilderness of the clockwork forest. to make things worse; his traveling without a hankercheif.
i choose this story because it seems quite an interesting story, it has a certain twist of horror and fantsy combined which makes it much more interesting for my taste.
Lauren Cunneen

Anonymous said...

Melissa Wilson;
The Book I chose At the library last lesson is called Somebodys' Crying. (I forgot the authors name) so far so good, i'm around page 95 and it's great. Somebodys' Crying is all about 3 young adults 2 boys, Tom and Jonty, and a girl Alice. Tom and Jonty used to be bestfriends and had been since Jonty first joined Tom's primary school but as they got into uni, a older women Lillian (jonty's aunt) ends up studying in there course because she cant make her age groups course for work reasons. Tom, Jonty and Lillian become very good friends. Together every day during uni and outside uni, at Lillians house after class. Alice is Lillians 15 year old daughter, no one really included her becuase Lillian, Tom and Jonty always drank and did drugs(Alice wasn't into that and didn't feel like she beonged to the group) Alice was always secretly in love with Tom. That is until Lillian was murdered and Jonty became the main suspect. It has been three years since Jonty was found innocent in court and they all find themselves joined together in the same little town for work, with the hatred of each other becuase they all blame each other for the murder.
I chose this book because it caught my attention instantly, the blurb had me on the first sentence, wanting to read more.

Anonymous said...

Joshua portelli
Ghost boy
The book is about a boy that is scared of water and sees ghosts.
I chose the book becuse i like ghosts and it looks interesting.

Anonymous said...

dean azzopardi
anna the goanna
this book is about a goanna that lives in the bush with some aboriginal people
because i like this type of book