Feb 26, 2010

Friday - Period 2


1.  "Reading is the staircase to new worlds"
Wider Reading Log - using the 'comments' link below, post a comment in response to the following questions:
a)  Is the title important or significant?  In what way?
b)  Describe the protagonist and the antagonist in your story.
c)  Where is the story set? (Time and place)
d)  Explain the complication
e)  Predict how this story will end.

2.  'Shatter Proof' short story (continued)

Homework:  Make sure you are making progress with your wider reading book.  This needs to be read by the end of term so you should be mid way through your book if you are not already finished.


Anonymous said...

the title is i know what you did last wedensday and it is important because it is the key to the story.the protogenist is a boy named tim with a bi brother detective the story is set at a reunion at a scottland island.the compicaion is a murder. i prodict that the story will end in the merder being found and justes being surved
jarred holz

Anonymous said...

Joel Boehm
The tittle of the book is not that significant.the protagonist is an evil little kid who hates his mothers farm. the antagonist is the nature itself. the story is set in modern day. the complication is the protagonist gets lost in the woods. the story is half what i predicted the boy gets killed but he gets turned into a scarecrow.

Anonymous said...

c)The time of the story set is at a day time and the place is at school and home.
e)I predict that at the end of the story is that she became a singer.
Rosalynne Adams

Anonymous said...

Bianca rose Kallianiotis
Hello Mrs Lans the book that I am reading is called the new girl it's about teenage girl named Traci who is moving to a new school with her old friends to a place called Wonder Lake her mother is very nervous too because she is going to be Traci's music teacher at the new school i hope this message gets sent to you because ive been trying to send this to you on my mum's e-mail i hope she doesn't mind

Anonymous said...

"Offside" is a very important title for this book as it tells you straight away that the book is going to be about a sport with the rule of offside.The protaginist in my story is a sly character which leads the group of friends to the good ending of the story.She also has a sense of crankyness when needed. The antagonist in my story is a very cranky girl which has a bit of a twist to her and is allways very nasty to people.Sometimes she decideds too help though and then breaks back on the protagonist in a second. The story is set in a school yard with a couple of friends and they all play soccer. There is a mixture of girls and guys in this group. The complication is the teachers quitting the girls soccer team and them trying to get it back into the school. The story ended with the girls being able to play and winning the laegends of sport cup. By Sebastion Loutkovsky

Anonymous said...

Breanna =]
a) the title is significant because it relates to the moon and night. it suggests that this book is about vampires and warewolfs.
b)the protagonist is Bella and the antagonist is Victoria the enemy vampire
c)in Forkes USA
d)Bella's lover Edward and his family killed Victorias lover and now victoria wants her revenge.
e)i predict that the story will end with Edward proposing to Bella.

Anonymous said...

"Offside" is a very important title for this book as it tells you straight away that the book is going to be about a sport with the rule of offside.The protaginist in my story is a sly character which leads the group of friends to the good ending of the story.She also has a sense of crankyness when needed. The antagonist in my story is a very cranky girl which has a bit of a twist to her and is allways very nasty to people.Sometimes she decideds too help though and then breaks back on the protagonist in a second. The story is set in a school yard with a couple of friends and they all play soccer. There is a mixture of girls and guys in this group. The complication is the teachers quitting the girls soccer team and them trying to get it back into the school. The story ended with the girls being able to play and winning the laegends of sport cup. By Sebastion Loutkovsky

Anonymous said...

A)The title is very important and significant to the character as it is slightly describing the character. It can also give you an idea of what the book is going to be about.

E) I think that the murderer will die.

Anonymous said...

Melissa Wilson;
(New Book) The Meremaid Chair, Sue Monk Kidd.
1)The title is sinificant because it can realate to the story, Sue Monk Kidd refers to the title in the first pages of her book.
2)The protagonist is Jessie Sullivan, there is no antagoinst its about jessie finding her true self.
3)The story is set in 1988, Victoria.
4)The complication is that Jessie eventuallly happens to have an affair, even though shes married to a sweet honest guy that she does love. Jessie finds Brother Thomas, who sweeps there off her feet so to speak. She faces a discison where she has to choose where she wants to be in life, and who she has by her side for the rest of it.
5)I haven't read enough to guess/predict.

Anonymous said...

a)the title is important because it say the man character name,anna gonna.
b)the main character is the is a gonna.
c)the story is set in the bush
e)she will live happy every after

Anonymous said...

Lauren Cunneen
the title for my book is significant as it is centerd around the mysterious clockwork forest.the protagonist in this story is Morton; a teenage boy around the age of 17. As of yet the antagonist is unknown. the storys set around the outskirts of and within the clockwork forest. Morton, a teenage boy living on the outskirts of the clockwork forest must salvage all four of his missing clock work treasures while tolrating with his newly meet companion, cuthbert, a middle age man who has lost his memory of who he once was...

Anonymous said...

nikk brown
1) yes the title is important because harry potter is a major worldwide book
2)the antagonist is harry potter wizard boy that is trying to survive an lord voldemort a evil wizard trying to killed harry potter.
3)the story is set in a nother worl modern time
4)the chamber of secrets has been open
5)tom riddle will die.

Anonymous said...

Alyce Kearney
(Tell It TO Naomi)

a)the title is significant as it says part of whats in the story.

b)the protagonist is a boy and the antagonist is a teacher/ the boys sisters ex boyfriend.

c) the story is set in a small city, but mostly in the school.

d) the complication in this story is when the boy pretends to be his sister Naomi as an advice columnist and he falls in love with one of the girls that writes into the column daily.

e) the story didnt end as i expected, i expected the boy to admit to being the advice columnist and then he would go out with the girl he liked. but instead it ended as a cliffhanger, where he apologised to the girl.

Anonymous said...

Caitlin Uren- Wings

a) is the title important or significant? in what way?
yes, the title WINGS is significant because in the story, the girl grows wings.
b) desciribe the protagonist and the antagonist in the story
the protagonist is the main character, she is the nice caring girl, whereas the antagonist, Mr. Barnes is mean and is plotting to buy there house so he can gain access to the portal to the faerie world.
c) where is he story set?(time and place)
the story is set in modern day time and in the city.
d) Explain the complication
Mr. Barnes throws both characters into the river and goes to buy the house, the three main characters then have to stop Mr. Barnes from buying the house, along the way the main characters father gets gravely ill, she must find a way to heal him and save their house.
e)predict how the story will end.
the story did end like i expected it to, the story ends with the bad guys getting defeated and the good guys winning

Anonymous said...

joel whitton
a)The title i think is not that signifiant because it doesnt really have any relivance.
b)The protagonist is gazza and he is a really good player for his team. The antagonist is all the oposing teams.
c)The story is set in a surburban town.
d)The complication is to beat the other teams.
e)im not sure how it will end