Aug 27, 2010

Dramatic reading of 'Fossils' extract by Tyson & Naomi (thanks to both of you!)

For the remainder of this lesson you will locate examples from the play that demonstrate the conflict that each character experiences.  These will be recorded on the wallwisher sites below:

Aug 26, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3


  • PEE
  • Class reading of 'Fossils' 
  • Completion of character conflict list

Aug 23, 2010

Monday - Period 4


  • PEE
  • Conflict mapping (continued)
  • Class reading of Fossils - discussion of production and directoral features throughout.

Aug 22, 2010

Friday - Period 2

Assessment task issued - in class essay response in Week 9.  Question explained and deconstructed.
  • PEE
  • Conflict of plot examined as revealed in text so far
  • Class reading of Fossils - discussion of production and directoral features throughout

Aug 18, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

  • PEE
  • Stage directions task
  • Class reading of fossils - discussion of production and directoral features throughout

Aug 10, 2010

Tuesday - Period 5


  • Completion of poetry assessment task
  • Class reading of 'Fossils' - identification of 'parent' cliches used in script.

Aug 9, 2010

Monday - Period 4

Introduction to Drama Unit:

Today we will revise the drama knowledge you have learned in Years 7 and 8.  The element of 'conflict' as it occurs in all narratives will be introduced/revisited.

Class borrowing of play:  'Fossils'

Aug 6, 2010

Friday - Period 2

Period 2:  In anticipation for this afternoon's incursion, 'Shakespeare on Trial', we will also look at the synopsis of two of Shakespeare's famous plays - 'Macbeth' and 'Romeo & Juliet'.

Period 5:  'Shakespeare on Trial' incursion

Aug 4, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

Using Maud McConville's poem, 'The Football' you will today complete a complete deconstruction and analysis of this poem unassisted.  You will complete the following tasks:

  • Annotation of the poem (with the poetic techniques it contains)
  • A summary table 
  • PEE sentences
  • Rewriting your sentences into a paragraph.
These tasks will be assessed to determine your learning in this unit and your use of subject specific terms.