Monday - in this lesson we looked at the characteristics of dystopian fiction and then made links to where these characteristics exist in the film, 'The City of Ember'. We also looked at elements of dystopias generally (see mind map below).
Wednesday - today we concentrated on the back story contained in the film by examining the extracts that showed the builders establishing Ember in order to protect mankind from destruction. You should have made notes from the deconstruction that identified how the filmmaker achieved the back story.
Thursday - today we returned to the writing process for our short stories. You peer-marked another students work to provide them with feedback on all elements of their draft. At the conclusion of the peer marking you received your draft, the comments from the peer marker, and comments from Mrs Lans. Using the feedback on your draft you are not to revise and edit your text to produce your completed version. This is due for submission in class on Monday, 1st August.