Apr 6, 2011

Wednesday - Period 4 & Thursday Period 1/Week 1 & 2 of Term 2

Today we will look at a famous poem by a famous war poet, Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen.  We will look at a few videos to provide us with Owen's personal and historical backgrounds.  The poem itself is effectively dramatised in the video below.

Post reading activities:
  • Discussion of the poem's ideas and effectiveness
  • Annotation and deconstruction of the poetic devices employed (refer to glossary and mind map for support)
  • Completion of a deconstruction sheet
  • Completion of a range of tasks to be completed both in your books and on your Weebly.

Monday - Period 5

'What Matters?' drafts due today.

To commence our study of war poetry you will construct a 'mini poetry book' and read silently to yourself.  Reflect on the ideas and messages of each poem and then decide which poem resonates with you.  Be prepared to discuss and justify your decision.  Annotation of one poem if time.