Dec 10, 2010

Friday - Period 2

Game Shows - 'Deal or No Deal'
Today we will look at the production of a game show.  In particular we are interested in examining the purpose, the filmic and production techniques employed, audience responses and emotion appeal to the viewer.
  1. Initial viewing
  2. Post viewing questions:  complete the online comprehension questions below.

Dec 3, 2010

Friday - Period 1 & Wednesday - Period 3

1.  Use the 'comments' link below and post a comment in which you define what reality TV is.
2.  Respond the the survey below.
3.  Viewing and initial deconstruction of an episode of 'Highway Patrol'.

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4.  Highway Patrol is both a documentary and reality television.  Compose a paragraph that explains how this statement is true.  (Remember to begin with a topic sentence and then use body sentences to contain evidence to support your topic sentence.)  Type your response using the 'comment' link below.

Dec 1, 2010

Wednesday - Period 3

Reality Television

Following completion of our novel unit, we will spend the remaining weeks of school looking critically at reality television.  Today's activity was to place various reality TV programs on a continuum to identify the 'level' of reality the show represents.  We also classified the different sub-genres of reality TV programs.  See images below.
Reality TV Continuum

Reality TV Classifications