Sep 8, 2009

Macbeth - Class work 09/09/09

As we are now halfway through the text it is worth pausing to examine aspects encountered so far. Read and follow carefully these instructions:

1. Foreshadowing - the conflict of this drama is foreshadowed by the witches prophecies. In the opening scene when we first encounter the witches they recite together: 'Fair is foul, and foul is fair'. Leave a comment on this posting where you explain how this line foreshadows both events and characters in this play.

2. Conflict - person versus self. Ensure that you have notes in your book around the conflict that Macbeth endures within himself. (Remember you will need quotes that you can use for the assessment task.) To assist you, view the video below of Act 1 Sc 3. Two sections in particular are important, Macbeth's soliloquies (3:22-4:40, and 7:03-8:18).

3. Word Choice - examine the word cloud below which comprises dialogue of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The size of the word indicates its frequency in the text. Respond to the following in your book.
a) Explain why the words 'thou' and 'thee' are most prominent.
b) Choose ten other words from the word cloud that you feel best represent the characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Use them in a paragraph in which you describe their characters.

4.  Conflict - person vs others.  Go through your text and locate quotes that indicate conflict between characters, eg Macbeth and Duncan, Macbeth and Malcolm, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.  Record these quotes in your book under the page headed 'Conflict - person vs others'.
5.  Additional activity:  If you have additional time available, you are free to begin any of the activities on the '42 Points' sheet.